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Brand: Porsche
Model: Cayenne 3.0
Type: SUV
Mileage: 84,020 mi
Location: Belgium Sint-Niklaas7565 km from you
Seller stock ID: A1-27757-31
Auction 1
Execution date: 2025-03-26 07:33
Ending date: 2025-03-26 15:39
Placed on: Mar 25, 2025
Fuel: petrol
Type: automatic
Condition: used

More details — Porsche Cayenne 3.0 SUV

CAUTION! the Rest BPM (€5,400) is added to this, it appears later on the invoice and amounts to €5,400,-. So your total bid price + €5,400,-. Keep this in mind when placing your bid. The total price when bidding is therefore excluding BPM!
For Dutch buyers or buyers outside the EU, that amount must be paid.
Only for Export within the EU you have to pay the bpm as a deposit and you will receive it back from us later once the car has been registered abroad and we have received it back from the tax authorities.

If you have any questions, please email

- Soft Close
- Nightvision
- Seat ventilation / Heating
- ACC Dilapidated Control
- Outlet on/off
- 4DX Sound Burmeister
- Burmeister Sound System
- Rear seat heating/ventilation
- Pedestrian prevention / Signal for pedestrians
- Soft Close
- Nightvision
- Seat ventilation / Heating
- ACC Dilapidated Control
- Outlet on/off
- 4DX Sound Burmeister
- Burmeister Sound System
- Rear seat heating/ventilation
- Pedestrian prevention / Signal for pedestrians

= More information =

Registration number: R-683-LD
Current bid: EUR 30500

= Dealer information =

VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction
VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction
VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction
VORSICHT! Hinzu kommt der Rest BPM (5.400 €), der später auf der Rechnung erscheint und 5.400 € beträgt,-. Also Ihr Gesamtgebotspreis + 5.400 €,-. Denken Sie daran, wenn Sie Ihr Gebot abgeben. Der Gesamtpreis beim Bieten ist also ohne BPM!
Für niederländische Käufer oder Käufer außerhalb der EU muss dieser Betrag gezahlt werden.
Nur für den Export innerhalb der EU müssen Sie die bpm als Kaution bezahlen und erhalten sie später von uns zurück, sobald das Auto im Ausland zugelassen wurde und wir es vom Finanzamt zurückerhalten haben.

Wenn Sie Fragen haben, senden Sie bitte eine E-Mail an

- Sanfter Abschluss
- Nachtsicht
- Sitzbelüftung / Heizung
- ACC Heruntergekommene Steuerung
- Steckdose ein/aus
- 4DX Sound Burmeister
- Burmeister Soundsystem
- Heizung/Belüftung der Rücksitze
- Fußgängerprävention / Signal für Fußgänger
- Sanfter Abschluss
- Nachtsicht
- Sitzbelüftung / Heizung
- ACC Heruntergekommene Steuerung
- Steckdose ein/aus
- 4DX Sound Burmeister
- Burmeister Soundsystem
- Heizung/Belüftung der Rücksitze
- Fußgängerprävention / Signal für Fußgänger

= Weitere Informationen =

Kennzeichen: R-683-LD

= Firmeninformationen =

VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction
Registreringsnummer: R-683-LD

= Forhandleroplysninger =

VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction
VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction
Matrícula: R-683-LD

= Información de la empresa =

VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction
VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction
PRUDENCE! le BPM Rest (5 400 €) s’y ajoute, il apparaît plus tard sur la facture et s’élève à 5 400 €,-. Donc, le prix total de votre offre + 5 400 €,-. Gardez cela à l’esprit lorsque vous placez votre offre. Le prix total lors de l’enchère exclut donc le BPM !
Pour les acheteurs néerlandais ou les acheteurs en dehors de l’UE, ce montant doit être payé.
Uniquement pour l’exportation au sein de l’UE, vous devez payer le bpm à titre d’acompte et vous le recevrez de notre part plus tard, une fois que la voiture aura été immatriculée à l’étranger et que nous l’aurons reçue des autorités fiscales.

Si vous avez des questions, veuillez envoyer un courriel

- Fermeture en douceur
- Vision nocturne
- Ventilation / Chauffage des sièges
- ACC Contrôle délabré
- Prise marche/arrêt
- 4DX Son Burmeister
- Système audio Burmeister
- Chauffage/ventilation aux sièges arrière
- Prévention des piétons / Signalisation pour les piétons
- Fermeture en douceur
- Vision nocturne
- Ventilation / Chauffage des sièges
- ACC Contrôle délabré
- Prise marche/arrêt
- 4DX Son Burmeister
- Système audio Burmeister
- Chauffage/ventilation aux sièges arrière
- Prévention des piétons / Signalisation pour les piétons

= Plus d'informations =

Numéro d'immatriculation: R-683-LD

= Information sur la société =

VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction
VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction
VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction
CAUTELA! a questo si aggiunge il Rest BPM (5.400 €), che appare più avanti in fattura e ammonta a 5.400 €,-. Quindi il tuo prezzo totale di offerta + 5.400 €,-. Tienilo a mente quando fai la tua offerta. Il prezzo totale al momento dell'offerta è quindi escluso BPM!
Per gli acquirenti olandesi o al di fuori dell'UE, tale importo deve essere pagato.
Solo per l'esportazione all'interno dell'UE devi pagare il bpm come deposito e lo riceverai da noi in un secondo momento una volta che l'auto è stata immatricolata all'estero e noi l'abbiamo ricevuta dalle autorità fiscali.

In caso di domande, inviare un'e-mail

- Chiusura ammortizzata
- Visione notturna
- Ventilazione / Riscaldamento del sedile
- Controllo fatiscente dell'ACC
- Uscita on/off
- Burmeister sonoro 4DX
- Sistema audio Burmeister
- Riscaldamento/ventilazione dei sedili posteriori
- Prevenzione dei pedoni / Segnalazione per i pedoni
- Chiusura ammortizzata
- Visione notturna
- Ventilazione / Riscaldamento del sedile
- Controllo fatiscente dell'ACC
- Uscita on/off
- Burmeister sonoro 4DX
- Sistema audio Burmeister
- Riscaldamento/ventilazione dei sedili posteriori
- Prevenzione dei pedoni / Segnalazione per i pedoni

VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction
LET OP! de Rest-BPM (€5.400.-) komt er nog bovenop, deze verschijnt later op de factuur en bedraagt €5.400,-. Dus je totale biedprijs + €5.400,-. houdt hier rekening mee me het plaatsen van je bod. De totaalprijs bij het bieden is dus exclusief BPM!
Voor Nederlandse kopers of kopers buiten de EU moet die bedrag betaald worden.
Alleen Voor Export binnen de EU dient u de bpm als borg te betalen en krijgt u deze later van ons terug zodra de auto in het buitenland is geregistreerd en wij deze terug ontvangen hebben van de belastingdienst.

Voor vragen kunt u mailen naar

- Soft Close
- ⁠Nightvision
- ⁠Stoelventilatie / Verwarming
- ⁠ACC Aftandsregeling
- ⁠Uitlaat aan/uit
- ⁠4DX Geluid Burmeister
- ⁠Burmeister Geluidsysteem
- ⁠Achter stoelverwarming/ventilatie
- ⁠Voetgangers preventie / Signaal voor voetgangers
- Soft Close
- ⁠Nightvision
- ⁠Stoelventilatie / Verwarming
- ⁠ACC Aftandsregeling
- ⁠Uitlaat aan/uit
- ⁠4DX Geluid Burmeister
- ⁠Burmeister Geluidsysteem
- ⁠Achter stoelverwarming/ventilatie
- ⁠Voetgangers preventie / Signaal voor voetgangers

= Meer informatie =

Kenteken: R-683-LD

= Bedrijfsinformatie =

VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction
VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction
OSTROŻNOŚĆ! Do tego doliczana jest reszta BPM (5.400 €), która pojawia się później na fakturze i wynosi 5.400 €,-. Czyli Twoja łączna cena ofertowa + 5 400 €,-. Pamiętaj o tym przy składaniu oferty. Łączna cena podczas licytacji nie obejmuje zatem BPM!
W przypadku nabywców z Holandii lub nabywców spoza UE kwota ta musi zostać zapłacona.
Tylko w przypadku eksportu na terenie UE musisz zapłacić bpm jako kaucję, a otrzymasz ją od nas z powrotem później, gdy samochód zostanie zarejestrowany za granicą i otrzymamy go z powrotem od organów podatkowych.

Jeśli masz jakieś pytania, wyślij e-mail na

- Miękkie domykanie
- Noktowizor
- Wentylacja foteli / Ogrzewanie
- Zniszczona kontrola ACC
- Włączanie/wyłączanie wylotu
- 4DX Sound Burmeister (Kamera dźwiękowa)
- System nagłośnienia Burmeister
- Ogrzewanie/wentylacja tylnych siedzeń
- Prewencja pieszych / Sygnalizacja dla pieszych
- Miękkie domykanie
- Noktowizor
- Wentylacja foteli / Ogrzewanie
- Zniszczona kontrola ACC
- Włączanie/wyłączanie wylotu
- 4DX Sound Burmeister (Kamera dźwiękowa)
- System nagłośnienia Burmeister
- Ogrzewanie/wentylacja tylnych siedzeń
- Prewencja pieszych / Sygnalizacja dla pieszych

= Więcej informacji =

Numer rejestracyjny: R-683-LD

= Informacje o przedsiębiorstwie =

VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction
Número de registo: R-683-LD

= Informações do concessionário =

VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction
PRUDENȚĂ! la acesta se adaugă BPM-ul Rest (5.400 €), apare mai târziu pe factură și se ridică la 5.400 €,-. Deci prețul total al ofertei + 5.400 EUR,-. Rețineți acest lucru atunci când plasați oferta. Prin urmare, prețul total la licitare exclude BPM!
Pentru cumpărătorii olandezi sau cumpărătorii din afara UE, această sumă trebuie plătită.
Doar pentru Export în UE trebuie să plătiți bpm ca depozit și îl veți primi înapoi de la noi mai târziu odată ce mașina a fost înmatriculată în străinătate și am primit-o înapoi de la autoritățile fiscale.

Dacă aveți întrebări, vă rugăm să trimiteți un e-mail

- Închidere lină
- Vedere nocturnă
- Ventilație / încălzire scaune
- Controlul dărăpănat ACC
- Priză pornit/oprită
- 4DX Burmeister de sunet
- Sistemul de sunet Burmeister
- Încălzire/ventilație a banchetei din spate
- Prevenirea pietonilor / Semnalizare pentru pietoni
- Închidere lină
- Vedere nocturnă
- Ventilație / încălzire scaune
- Controlul dărăpănat ACC
- Priză pornit/oprită
- 4DX Burmeister de sunet
- Sistemul de sunet Burmeister
- Încălzire/ventilație a banchetei din spate
- Prevenirea pietonilor / Semnalizare pentru pietoni

VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction
Регистрационный номер: R-683-LD

= Информация о дилере =

VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction
VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction
Registreringsnummer: R-683-LD

= Information om företaget =

VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction
VAVATO does not carry out a technical inspection of the vehicles. This vehicle is openly sold by online auction
Porsche SUVs
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